Legal advisors
Lawyers specialised in new technology law
Your innovation and our protection gives you guaranteed, lasting value

- Research and development
- Inventors
- Digital creation
- Photographers
- Designerss
- Computer graphic artists
- Authors
- Composers – Song writers
- Artists - Singers
- Production and publication companies
KONÉ & Associés is a law firm specialised in new technology law. Our fields of intervention include : legal advice, legal protection, negotiation and technology transfer.
We are attentive to our clients, responsive and aim to offer the best possible response to your expectations. KONÉ & Associés works mainly via the Internet to provide answers quickly, keeping costs to a minimum.
KONÉ & Associés ensures maximum legal protection for your intangible assets and their industrial transfer.
KONÉ & Associés can help with your intellectual property management strategy.

Private individuals
KONÉ & Associés can advise on how to protect your intangible assets.

KONÉ & Associés can assist with your negotiations and write your contracts.

Public institutions
KONÉ & Associés can help to protect and generate value from public research.